Corporate sustainability ideas that improve your ESG reporting ‘score’

Corporate sustainability ideas to improve your ESG reporting ‘score’​

Sustainability has become a global imperative, with governments worldwide making significant strides towards creating more eco-conscious cities and societies. In the quest to combat climate change, over 90 countries have set ambitious net-zero emissions targets, demonstrating a shared commitment to mitigating the most devastating effects of this global change. This collective effort has inevitably spotlighted businesses, compelling them to embrace sustainability not merely as a choice but as a necessity. 

However, companies often grapple with uncertainty about what precisely they should do:

Understanding Sustainability Standards and Policies

The first step in unraveling the complexity of “becoming more sustainable” is comprehending the regulations behind sustainability expectations.

A promising starting point is the European Green Deal, a package of policy initiatives aiming to steer the EU towards a green transition, ultimately achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

As part of ESG reporting and in alignment with the European Green Deal, the EU mandates large and listed companies to regularly publish reports on how their activities impact people and the environment. To this end, The European Commission introduced the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) for use by all companies subject to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Companies required to report on sustainability under the CSRD include:

  1. 1.  All large companies, irrespective of capital market orientation, with more than 250 employees and more than 40 million EUR in net turnover or 20 million EUR in assets.
  2. 2.  All capital-market SMEs, except for micro-enterprises, which are not covered by the CSRD and, therefore, are not expected to report under ESRS

The Role of ESRS

The ESRS aims to enhance the scope and quality of corporate sustainability reporting, promoting sustainable development through transparency. As a result, stakeholders, particularly investors, other companies, and society, should gain deeper insights into companies’ business practices.

However, the impact of the ESRS goes beyond reporting requirements. Furthermore, companies are also mandated by ESRS to disclose whether they have improved their sustainability performance and further developed their sustainability management.

A table of ESRS standards for better understanding ESG practices and reporting accordingly

General Requirements and Disclosures for ESG Reporting

Under general requirements and disclosures, companies should provide a comprehensive overview of the organization and its operations:
  • Foundational ESG practices, including ESG policies, commitments, data collection and verification methods, reporting periods, data accessibility, future ESG goals, external assurance processes, etc.
  • The business overview – covers governance structure, ownership, market presence, operational locations, supply chain, products and services, customer base, employee profile, health and safety practices, ethical business practices, certifications and awards, etc.

Topical Requirements for ESG Reporting

Under topical requirements, organizations should offer an overview of their current environmental, social, and governance practices, future ESG goals, actions taken to improve their “sustainability score,” and more.

ESG Reporting as a Means to Corporate Sustainability

The journey towards successful reporting and enhanced sustainability starts with a robust understanding of your current practices:
  • Assess the impact of your operations on the environment, evaluating emissions, waste management practices, and natural resource usage (energy, water, etc.).
  • Examine your commitment to social responsibility, including labor practices, employee well-being, compensation practices, product safety and quality, and community engagement.
  • Evaluate your governance sustainability, encompassing board diversity and independence, stakeholder rights and responsibilities, data security, and cyber risks.
Reviewing your current practices through a sustainability lens should provide valuable insights into areas where you can enhance sustainability. To kickstart this process, we also provide an overview of simple changes you can make.

Reducing your Climate Change impact

Climate change is a primary driver behind the European Green Deal, making it a crucial starting point. This means continually seeking innovative ways to reduce carbon emissions.

For instance, consider the impact of daily commuting to your workplace on your carbon footprint.

—Did you know?: Passenger transportation contributes to the total carbon footprint (+34 Billion Tons per year) with 4,6 Tons of CO2 per car.—

Now envision the potential to reduce the number of cars on the road by 25%, 50%, or even a staggering 75%. You can achieve this by encouraging sustainable commuting practices like carpooling, cycling, and walking. To help you revolutionize employee commuting, we’ve created KINTO Join—a sustainable commuting platform that:

  1. 1. Connects employees with shared commuting routes, reducing the number of vehicles traveling to your workplace.
  2. 2. Validates eco-friendly journeys (carpooling, walking, and cycling), incentivizing environmentally conscious commuters.
  3. 3. Quantifies CO2 savings, enabling easy reporting of your contribution to zero emissions and eligibility for government subsidies.

Learn more about KINTO Join here.

An oxygen mask and a piece of plant in the jar serve as a symbol of climate change

Ideas to Improve Other ESG Practices


  • To address pollution, implement zero-waste practices in offices or manufacturing facilities by reducing, reusing, and recycling materials.
  • Enhance indoor air quality in office spaces by installing air quality monitoring systems.

Water and Marine Resources

  • Support marine conservation efforts by participating in beach cleanup events or partnering with organizations dedicated to ocean protection.

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

  • Conduct biodiversity assessments on company-owned lands to identify and protect endangered species and habitats.

Resource Use and Circular Economy

  • Implement take-back or recycling programs for products at the end of their lifecycle, encouraging customers to return items for recycling or refurbishing.
  • Additionally, start a carpooling program to motivate employees to travel to work together, thus reducing overall fuel consumption.

Own Workforce

  • Offer flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours, to improve work-life balance for employees.
  • Provide mental health resources and support, such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), to promote the well-being of your workforce.

Workers in the Value Chain

  • Provide training to suppliers on fair labor practices, worker safety, and human rights to ensure ethical treatment throughout the value chain.
  • Conduct regular audits of suppliers to assess compliance with labor standards and social responsibility requirements.

Affected Communities

  • Prioritize hiring from within the local communities where your company operates to create job opportunities and strengthen community ties.
  • Allocate a percentage of profits or resources to community development projects, such as building schools or supporting healthcare initiatives.

Consumers and End-Users

  • Add sustainability labels or certifications to products, providing consumers with information on the environmental and social impacts of their purchases.
  • Launch educational campaigns to inform consumers about sustainable product usage and responsible disposal methods.

Business Conduct

  • Establish a confidential whistleblower hotline for employees to report ethical concerns or misconduct within the company.

It's Action Time: Make Corporate Sustainability Ideas a Reality

Embracing sustainability isn’t just an option; it’s a responsibility we all share. To commence this journey start small but start now. Take actionable steps to reduce your carbon footprint, enhance workplace well-being, and contribute to your local community.

Begin with the ideas we’ve shared in this blog post, but do not stop there. Furthermore, make sure that you are continuously reviewing your current practices through a sustainability lens and thinking about small actions you can take today to make a big impact tomorrow. Additionally, share your ideas! Remember: the simple changes you make every day not only align with sustainability standards but also exemplify your dedication to a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.

Learn more about how your employees’ commuting habits can impact your ESG reporting score here

Revolutionising Fleet Management: Introducing KINTO Ride Sustainability Report

Revolutionising Fleet Management:

Introducing KINTO Ride
Sustainability Report


In the ever-evolving world of fleet management, staying ahead of the curve is essential. The quest for efficiency, in addition to cost reduction, and environmental responsibility has led us to introduce a groundbreaking feature for fleet operators like you. KINTO Ride designed to streamline your operations and optimize processes, has just taken a giant leap forward. Say hello to the future of fleet management with our new Sustainability Reporting feature.

Why Track and Report Emission Savings?

Emission tracking might not be the first thing that comes to mind when managing a fleet, but it’s a game-changer for several compelling reasons. Firstly let’s delve into why measuring emission savings is essential for fleet operators like you:

1. Compliance with ESG Standards:

For instance, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) standards have become an integral part of business practices worldwide. They evaluate your company’s impact on the environment, among other factors. By tracking and reporting your emission savings, you align with these standards, demonstrating your commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability.

2. Qualify for Government Incentives

Governments across the globe are increasingly incentivising businesses to adopt environmentally friendly practices. For example, many offer financial incentives and subsidies to those who can prove their commitment to reducing emissions. By providing tangible evidence of your emission savings, you can access these potential government incentives, saving you money and enhancing your bottom line.

3. Build Brand Reputation

In today’s eco-conscious world, your brand’s reputation is more valuable than ever. Specifically, customers favor businesses that prioritise environmental sustainability. Tracking and showcasing your emission savings helps build trust, attract environmentally conscious customers, and enhance your brand reputation.

4. Real Cost Reduction

Reducing emissions goes hand in hand with cost reduction. Not only is it about being environmentally responsible, but it’s also about saving on expenses. When you optimise routes, increase vehicle occupancy, and reduce unnecessary mileage, you’ll cut down on fuel consumption and maintenance costs. Consequently, the result is not only a greener fleet but also a more cost-effective one.

How Does KINTO Ride's Sustainability Report Feature Work?

Our Sustainability Report is built around an AI-based route planning algorithm. This algorithm works behind the scenes to help you choose the most optimal route for each trip, ensuring maximum vehicle usage and minimal emissions.

Sustainability report that qualifies fleets for government subsidies

Here’s a sneak peek into how it operates:

1. Efficient Route Planning

The AI-based algorithm analyzes your fleet’s data to calculate the most efficient routes for each trip. It considers factors like traffic conditions, passenger pickup points, and drop-off locations to determine the best route. This optimization reduces mileage and travel time, resulting in lower fuel consumption and fewer emissions.

2. Increased Vehicle Occupancy

  • A key part of reducing emissions is maximising vehicle occupancy. In the same way, the algorithm helps operators connect passengers who are travelling in the same direction, thus increasing the number of passengers per vehicle. Fewer vehicles on the road translate to fewer emissions, making your fleet more environmentally friendly.

3. Detailed Emission Tracking

  • The Sustainability Reporting feature provides detailed data on the kilometers traveled, CO2 emissions saved, and other emission-related metrics. You can choose your preferred calculation period to generate reports that demonstrate your positive impact on the environment.

Case Study: Realising the Benefits

  • To bring the concept of emission savings to life, let’s explore a real-life example of a client who harnessed the power of KINTO Ride’s Sustainability Report feature. The data tells a compelling story of tangible results achieved in just eight months.

Emission Savings Unveiled

Emission savings
  • This visual illustrates the emission savings accomplished by our client from October of the previous year to June of the current year. Using our Sustainability Report feature, as shown in the graphic, they achieved remarkable results:

•  71,874 kg of CO2 saved

•  23,755 g of NOX reduced

Now, to sum up, let’s put these numbers into perspective. The typical car releases approximately 4.6 metric tons of CO2 annually. Based on this data, the reduction in harmful emissions achieved by our client is quite substantial. It’s not just a statistical figure; it’s a testament to their commitment to a greener and more sustainable future.

This data-driven method not only underscores the real impact but also empowers our clients to make well-informed decisions. In conclusion, it’s about translating environmental responsibility into actionable insights that drive change and foster a more sustainable and efficient fleet management approach.

In Conclusion

Our new Sustainability Report feature isn’t just a tool; it’s a catalyst for transformation. It allows you to measure, report, and celebrate your contribution to a cleaner, more eco-conscious world. The real-life success of our client is just one example of the potential waiting for you.

Are you ready to take the next step in fleet management and environmental responsibility? Embrace the future with KINTO Ride’s Sustainability Report feature, and together, let’s pave the way for a sustainable and efficient tomorrow.

Increasing Your Fleet’s Profit In 2023 with a Route Optimisation Algorithm​​

Increasing Your Fleet’s Profit In 2023 with a Route Optimisation Algorithm​


It is the year 2023. A year of many technological innovations that came around.

But wait…

Are you still manually connecting your ride demands with drivers?

There is definitely a better way to do that. Let’s dive in.      

By implementing a powerful route optimization algorithm, fleet operators can significantly reduce travel distance, save fuel costs, enhance customer satisfaction, and maintain high efficiency and profitability, ultimately leading to a competitive advantage in the industry.

Toyota’s KINTO Ride is an advanced example of optimization algorithm usage that offers fleet operators a seamless ride-hailing platform to streamline their operations.

In the upcoming text, we will delve into the inner workings of route optimization algorithms and provide you with practical insights that will empower you to optimise your fleet operations and gain a competitive edge in the industry.

Let’s go!

ROI you can expect after a month of using a Route Optimisation Algorithm​

Route optimisation algorithm helps fleet managers plan the most effective routes for their drivers. Efficiency is reflected in the fact that it saves time and human resources which eventually allows the fleet’s profit to skyrocket

Route optimization algorithm benefits

3 main benefits (ROI) of using the Route Optimization Algorithm:​

1. Massive savings on unnecessary expenses:​

The most valuable asset is time, and the use of automation can dramatically reduce the time required to establish all routes, assign drivers, manually match passenger locations, etc. The overall organisation of the process is much more efficient and with less wasted time, there is more room for improvement in other areas.

With fewer obligations, there are also fewer employees to deal with. In this way, manpower can be used more efficiently and more work gets done.

A lot of fuel can be saved with a well-planned route that avoids crowding and picks up passengers in the most efficient way, depending on their location.

Vehicle maintenance costs a lot of money, and the algorithm that creates the optimal route reduces the number of vehicles on the road and the time those vehicles are on the road. This drastically reduces breakdowns and all other vehicle repairs.

2. Minimal chance for mistake: ​

The more sophisticated the process, the greater the likelihood of making a mistake. There is always the possibility of oversights when processing data manually, and that is why automation is an excellent solution.

3. Word of mouth is the best advertising​

What can contribute more to business development than satisfied passengers?

It’s natural that we all want the best possible solution for our daily struggles. The fastest way to the destination, without delays, is something that everyone chooses and recommends. Don’t miss this kind of advertising, it’s more powerful than it seems.

Other benefits include:

  •  Fast organisation
  •  Easier maintenance of vehicles (they are damaged less with less use)
  •  Maximum effect (maximum utilised fleet potential)
  •  Low gas emissions – sustainable path – government incentives
  •  Business growth

Which processes you can streamline?​

1. Creating routes​

Creating routes is a time-consuming task. Even more so if you’re doing it “by foot”.

Sometimes, it can get so tangled that a delay may occur and seriously damage the reputation of the company. Your passengers could be left waiting or even get stood up for the ride they hailed.

2. Assets Utilisation​

Are your vehicles at their maximum occupancy? 

The route optimization algorithm will allocate passengers based on location, destination, and arrival time data and thus make maximum use of your fleet potential.

3. Information storage​

Effective information storage ensures data integrity, accessibility, and security, allowing efficient management and utilisation of fleet operator’s data.

4. Sustainability report

It’s great when you take care of the environment, but when you don’t have real data and insight into how many harmful emissions have been saved, you can’t even work on improving it.                       

As a platform admin, you can always request a sustainability report in which you will find all the necessary data (and therefore qualify for government incentives/subsidies).

How does it work?​

The algorithm simplifies everyday operations flow for Fleet Operators. When all desirable data is added (pickup, number and location of all the required stops on the route, drop off etc.), the platform incorporated with the algorithm shows the exact path the driver must take to get everywhere on time. 

The platform administrator controls every detail through the operator’s dashboard. The algorithm creates the most efficient route following entering data and keeping track of every person’s location and desired arrival time.

Route optimization algorithm

When there is a need to change someone’s location or add a new client, the algorithm will automatically create another route – to be as efficient as possible.

You can schedule a before-mentioned KINTO Ride’s demo and see how all of this is done in real-time!

It is important to note that not all route optimization algorithms are created equal. Consider investing in a robust and customizable solution that can adapt to the unique needs and constraints of your fleet. Look for features such as real-time updates, interactive mapping, and integration capabilities with other fleet management tools to maximise the benefits – the success story of a fleet operator who improved their business you can hear from our sales manager here.

Embrace the power of technology and make route optimization a cornerstone of your fleet management strategy for a prosperous future.