Demystifying Non-Asset Mobility: An Untapped Solution for a Sustainable Future

An Untapped Solution for a Sustainable Future

Demystifying Non-Asset Mobility

In an era of growing environmental consciousness, corporations and institutions increasingly embrace sustainable practices to minimise their impact on the planet. As a significant contributor to climate change, transportation emissions pose a pressing challenge that businesses must address. In recent years, non-asset mobility has emerged as a promising solution, leveraging technology to streamline sustainable travel options.

Non-asset mobility is the ability of people or goods to move around without owning the physical assets that enable their movement. This includes things like public transportation, ride-sharing services, and car-sharing programs.

The Urgency of Non-Asset Mobility

Several compelling factors drive the need for immediate action towards non-asset mobility:

  • The Escalating Climate Crisis: The planet faces a rapidly intensifying climate crisis, demanding urgent measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and mitigate the effects of climate change.
  • Stricter Environmental Regulations: Governments worldwide are implementing stricter environmental regulations, requiring corporations and institutions to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Rising Employee Expectations: Employees are increasingly prioritising companies with a strong commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.
  • The changes in car ownership preferences: Millenials and Generation Z, as dominant generations of today’s workforce, are slowly shifting from car ownership to a car usership model. One factor is that millennials are more likely to live in urban areas, where they have access to public transportation and other alternative transportation options. Additionally, millennials are more environmentally conscious than previous generations and are more likely to choose to walk, bike, or take public transportation in order to reduce their carbon footprint. Gen Z has grown up with even more access to alternative transportation options than millennials. Additionally, Gen Z is more likely to be concerned about the cost of car ownership and is more likely to prioritise experiences over material possessions.
  • Advancements in Technology: Technology has played a pivotal role in enabling non-asset mobility providing innovative solutions for shared transportation and trip planning.

Why Embark on a Non-Asset Mobility Journey Now?

The time to embrace non-asset mobility is now. Delaying action will only exacerbate the climate crisis and hinder compliance with evolving environmental regulations. By setting off on a non-asset mobility journey now, organisations can reap several immediate and long-term benefits:

  • Reduced GHG Emissions: Non-asset mobility significantly lowers transportation-related emissions, contributing to corporate sustainability goals and compliance with environmental regulations.
  • Improved Air Quality: By minimising the number of vehicles on the road, non-asset mobility improves air quality, reducing respiratory illnesses and promoting overall health.
  • Traffic Congestion Mitigation: Shared transportation eases traffic congestion, saving time and improving overall commute efficiency.
  • Strengthened Company Reputation: A commitment to non-asset mobility demonstrates a company’s environmental responsibility, attracting eco-conscious consumers and investors.

The Role of Technology in Facilitating Non-Asset Mobility

Technology plays a crucial role in enabling non-asset mobility. Mobile apps provide a seamless platform for employees to access and utilise shared transportation options. These apps offer a plethora of features, including:


  • Real-time carpool matching: Employees can find and join carpools with colleagues based on their commuting routes and schedules.
  • Public transportation trip planning: Employees can plan their public transportation journeys, including real-time route information and fare details.
  • Walking and cycling navigation: Employees receive guidance on safe and efficient walking and cycling routes, including traffic and pedestrian infrastructure information.
  • Integration with ride-hailing and bike-sharing services: Employees can access and book rides or bikes through the app, streamlining their commute.

Non-Asset Mobility Beyond Commuting

The benefits of non-asset mobility extend beyond commuting, encompassing a wider range of corporate and institutional activities:

  • Business Travel: Companies can encourage employees to utilise shared transportation options for business travel, reducing their carbon footprint.
  • Event Logistics: Organisers can promote non-asset mobility options for event attendees, minimising the environmental impact of gatherings.
  • Supply Chain Optimization: Companies can incorporate non-asset mobility solutions into their supply chains, reducing logistics-related emissions.

Complying with European Sustainability Regulations

European countries are leading the way in implementing stringent sustainability regulations, mandating emission reductions and promoting eco-friendly practices. Non-asset mobility plays a vital role in enabling organisations to comply with these regulations:

  • The EU’s Fit for 55 Package: This comprehensive plan aims to reduce EU-wide emissions by 55% by 2030. Non-asset mobility is recognised as a key strategy for achieving these targets.
  • The UK’s Net Zero Strategy: The UK has committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Non-asset mobility is a key component of this strategy, particularly in urban areas.
  • Germany’s Climate Protection Act: Germany has set ambitious emission reduction targets, with non-asset mobility being a central element of its strategy.

In the face of an escalating climate crisis and stricter environmental regulations, non-asset mobility emerges as an indispensable solution for corporations and institutions seeking to reduce their GHG emissions and promote sustainable practices. By embracing non-asset mobility now, organisations can reap immediate and long-term benefits, from improved air quality and reduced traffic. 


To see how much non-asset mobility can contribute to your company’s emission targets, visit KINTO Join’s commuting calculator. Based on your employees’ chosen commuting method, it will generate a report on how much carbon emissions you can save if you implement sustainable means of transportation to work. Besides the numbers, you will also find out how to implement a successful corporate commuting strategy and what other benefits come from being environmentally aware, in the fullest sense.


Carpooling, Walking, and Cycling: The Low-Hanging Fruit of Green Commutes

The Low-Hanging Fruit of Green Commutes

Carpooling, Walking
and Cycling

In the race towards a sustainable future, transportation emissions stand as a significant hurdle. As individuals and organisations seek to reduce their carbon footprint, the focus often shifts towards electric vehicles (EVs) as a seemingly straightforward solution. However, while EVs undoubtedly play a crucial role in decarbonising transportation, there exists a trove of untapped potential in simpler, more accessible alternatives – carpooling, walking, and cycling.

These modes of commuting, often referred to as “active transportation” or “sustainable mobility,” offer many benefits that extend far beyond reduced emissions. Carpooling, for instance, not only cuts fuel consumption and associated emissions but also alleviates traffic congestion, improves air quality, and fosters a sense of community among colleagues. Also, compared to public transport, you must admit that the convenience is much greater. Walking and cycling, on the other hand, promote physical activity, enhancing both individual and public health while reducing the need for expensive gym memberships or healthcare costs.

happy people carpooling

Addressing the Challenges of Green Mobility

Despite these clear advantages, carpooling, walking, and cycling often remain underutilised. The reasons are multifaceted, ranging from infrastructural shortcomings to a lack of awareness and cultural acceptance. However, these challenges can be addressed with a combination of strategic planning, targeted incentives, and a concerted effort to shift mindsets.

For carpooling, companies can implement carpool matching programs, provide designated parking spaces, and offer incentives such as gas reimbursement or priority parking. For walking and cycling, investments in safe and well-maintained infrastructure, including bike lanes and pedestrian walkways, are essential. Additionally, companies can encourage active commuting by providing showers and changing facilities, offering discounts on bikes and cycling gear, and organising group cycling or walking events.

In contrast, the transition to EVs, while promising, faces significant challenges. The upfront cost of EVs remains high, limiting their accessibility. Furthermore, developing a robust charging infrastructure is still in its early stages, raising concerns about range anxiety and hindering widespread adoption.

Moreover, the manufacturing of EVs is not without its environmental impact. The extraction and processing of raw materials for batteries pose environmental concerns, and the disposal of spent batteries raises sustainability issues. While advancements in battery technology are expected to mitigate these concerns, they remain a factor to consider.

Commuting Emissions Are a Big Part of Scope 3 Emissions

Commuting emissions are a significant contributor to an organisation’s carbon footprint. These emissions arise from employee travel to and from work, regardless of the mode of transportation used. Traditionally, organisations have focused on reducing direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect emissions from purchased electricity (Scope 2). However, there is a growing recognition of the importance of addressing indirect emissions from other sources, including commuting (Scope 3).

Starting in 2025, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), the international standard for corporate greenhouse gas accounting, will require companies to report their Scope 3 emissions. This means that organisations will need to measure and track their commuting emissions and develop strategies to reduce them.

By promoting carpooling, walking, and cycling, organisations can significantly reduce their commuting emissions and comply with the upcoming Scope 3 reporting requirements. Additionally, these measures can lead to other benefits, such as improved employee health, reduced traffic congestion, and better air quality.

To understand how much emissions your company can save by implementing green commuting options, you can use KINTO Join’s corporate commute calculator. Along with a personalised report on your CO2 savings, you will also get a set of useful suggestions to get you started on your green path.

Remember, while EVs hold promise for the future of transportation, their widespread adoption faces challenges that necessitate a focus on readily available and accessible alternatives. As organisations prepare to report their Scope 3 emissions, promoting carpooling, walking, and cycling can be a powerful step towards a more sustainable future.
By investing in infrastructure, providing incentives, and fostering a culture of active transportation, companies can play a pivotal role in unlocking the potential of these sustainable commuting options.

The Urgency of Transformative Commutes in the Face of Mandatory Scope 3 Reporting in Europe

Accelerating Sustainable Shifts

Responding to Mandatory Scope 3
Reporting in Europe

As the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) takes effect in 2025, companies across Europe are facing a new frontier of environmental responsibility: mandatory Scope 3 reporting. This directive will require companies to disclose their indirect greenhouse gas emissions, including those generated by their employees’ commutes. This shift in reporting requirements has created a sense of urgency for companies to reevaluate their commuting practices and adopt sustainable alternatives.

The Mandate for Scope 3 Reporting:

A Catalyst for Change

The CSRD’s emphasis on Scope 3 emissions reflects a growing recognition that companies’ environmental impact extends beyond their direct operations. Employee commuting is a significant contributor to Scope 3 emissions, accounting for an estimated 15% of a company’s total carbon footprint. This highlights the need for companies to address commuting emissions as a crucial step towards achieving their sustainability goals.

Quantifying the Impact of Employee Commuting

The environmental impact of employee commuting is substantial. A study by the International Energy Agency (IEA) found that transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, accounting for around 27% of total emissions. Within the transportation sector, road transport is the primary culprit, with employee commuting contributing significantly to this category.

To illustrate the scale of the issue, consider the following statistics:

  • The average European employee commutes 48 kilometers per day, generating around 1.5 tons of CO2 emissions annually.
  • A company with 1,000 employees can generate an estimated 1,500 tons of CO2 emissions per year from employee commuting alone.
  • These emissions are equivalent to the annual carbon footprint of approximately 300 homes.

The Strategic Advantage of Addressing Commuting Emissions

Tackling employee commuting emissions not only benefits the environment but also presents strategic advantages for companies:

  • Enhanced brand reputation: Companies that prioritize sustainable commuting practices can enhance their brand reputation and attract environmentally conscious consumers and investors.
  • Improved employee well-being: Reducing commuting times and stress can lead to a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce.
  • Reduced costs: Sustainable commuting alternatives can be more cost-effective than solo driving, saving companies money on parking subsidies and fuel reimbursements.
  • Enhanced risk management: Addressing Scope 3 emissions can help companies mitigate climate-related risks and adapt to emerging regulations.

Seizing the Opportunity:

A Call to Action​

The transition towards mandatory Scope 3 reporting presents a golden opportunity for companies to transform their commuting practices and embrace sustainable alternatives. By prioritizing employee well-being, reducing environmental impact, and enhancing their bottom line, companies can emerge as leaders in sustainability and reap the rewards of a greener, healthier, and more prosperous future.

Getting Started: Practical Steps to Transform Commutes

To kickstart their journey towards sustainable commuting, companies can consider implementing the following measures:

  • Conduct a commuting survey: Understand the current commuting patterns of employees and identify potential areas for improvement.
  • Promote public transportation: Provide incentives for employees to use public transportation, such as subsidies or flexible work arrangements.
  • Encourage cycling and walking: Create infrastructure and facilities that support cycling and walking, such as bike lanes, secure parking, and shower facilities.
  • Promote carpooling: Implement carpooling programs or connect employees with carpool matching services.
  • Offer remote work options:Embrace remote work arrangements to reduce the need for commuting altogether.

By adopting these measures, companies can transform their commuting practices, reduce their environmental impact, and enhance their overall sustainability performance. The time to act is now, as the CSRD’s mandatory Scope 3 reporting requirements loom. Companies that seize this opportunity will not only contribute to a more sustainable future but also reap the rewards of a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce.

Green Paths Free Guide

Green Paths: A Comprehensive Guide to

Green Paths: A Comprehensive Guide to

Transforming Corporate Commutes into Sustainable Adventures

In the fast-paced world of corporate life, daily commutes can often become mundane and stressful. However, they also present a unique opportunity for companies to foster sustainability and employee engagement.

This guide outlines three innovative campaigns designed to transform your employees’ commuting experiences into environmentally friendly and enjoyable journeys. By implementing these strategies, your company can not only contribute to reducing carbon emissions but also create a workplace culture that values the well-being and collective effort of its team members.

Run a Commute Challenge

Launch a friendly competition among employees to see who can choose the most sustainable commuting options over a specified period. Track and celebrate achievements collectively. Offer rewards such as gift cards, extra time off, or recognition for those who consistently choose eco-friendly modes of transportation. This not only fosters a sense of camaraderie but also promotes a healthier work-life balance and makes sustainable commuting a fun and rewarding experience.

How to make it a


Define the

Clearly outline the rules, duration, and objectives of the challenge. Decide on metrics for tracking, such as the number of sustainable commutes or total carbon emissions reduced.

Create a Tracking System

Implement an easy-to-use tracking system, whether through a dedicated app, a shared spreadsheet, or an internal platform. Ensure that employees can easily log their sustainable commuting activities.

Set Incentives and Rewards

Determine attractive incentives and rewards for participants. This could include gift cards, extra vacation days, priority parking for carpoolers, or recognition in company communications. The more appealing the rewards, the higher the participation rate.

Launch and Promote

Kick off the challenge with a well-crafted communication campaign. Utilize email, posters, and internal announcements to create excitement. Highlight the benefits of sustainable commuting and the positive impact participants can make.

Provide Regular Updates

Keep participants engaged by providing regular updates on the progress of the challenge. Share success stories, milestones achieved, and the overall impact on reducing carbon emissions.

Celebrate Winners

At the end of the challenge, celebrate and reward the participants with the highest achievements. Host a recognition event, share results company-wide, and emphasize the collective impact of sustainable commuting.

Introduce Green Commute Days

Designate specific days as “Green Commute Days” where employees are encouraged to use sustainable transportation options. Provide incentives like a catered breakfast, casual dress code, or team-building activities for participants. This creates a sense of community and shared purpose, making employees more likely to continue sustainable commuting beyond the designated days.

How to make it a


Choose Dates and Frequency

Select specific dates for Green Commute Days and decide how frequently they will occur (e.g., once a month or quarterly).

Promote and Build Excitement

Launch a pre-event promotional campaign to build anticipation. Use various communication channels to highlight the benefits of participating, such as team-building opportunities and the positive environmental impact.

Arrange Incentives and Perks

Provide incentives for employees who participate, such as a free breakfast, a casual dress code for the day, or team-building activities. Make it enjoyable and emphasize the positive aspects of sustainable commuting.

Capture and Share the Experience

Encourage employees to share their Green Commute Day experiences through photos or short stories. Create a dedicated space, whether on an internal platform or bulletin board, to showcase the collective effort.


After each Green Commute Day, solicit feedback from participants. Use this information to refine future events and address any challenges faced by employees.

Employee Spotlights
and Success Stories

Showcase employees who have successfully embraced sustainable commuting in your company communications. Share their stories, challenges, and the positive impact they’ve made on the environment. This not only highlights the benefits of eco-friendly commuting but also inspires others to follow suit. Consider creating a platform, whether internal newsletters, company-wide emails, or a bulletin board, where employees can share their experiences and tips.

How to make it a



Seek volunteers or nominations for employees who have embraced sustainable commuting. Consider various commuting modes and experiences to showcase diversity.

Conduct Interviews or Gather Stories

Conduct short interviews or gather written stories from selected employees. Focus on their motivations, challenges, and the positive impact they feel they’ve made.

Create Engaging Content

Turn the gathered information into engaging content. This could be in the form of articles, videos, or social media posts. Ensure that it’s easily shareable within the company.

Highlight in Company Communications

Communications Integrate the employee spotlights and success stories into regular company communications. Feature them in newsletters, emails, or on bulletin boards to inspire others .


Encourage employees to share their own sustainable commuting experiences. Create a platform, such as a designated email address or internal forum, where employees can contribute their stories.


Measure the impact of the campaign by monitoring changes in commuting behavior and the overall attitude towards sustainable commuting. Use this data to continuously refine and improve your initiatives.

Beyond Commutes:

A Concluding Chapter on 'Green Paths' Success

In conclusion, the “Green Paths” guide offers a roadmap for companies seeking to revolutionize their approach to employee commutes. Through the Commute Challenge, Green Commute Days, and Employee Spotlights, your organization can instill a sense of camaraderie, purpose, and sustainability among your workforce.

As you embark on this journey, remember that small changes can yield significant results. By actively engaging your employees in these campaigns, you not only enhance their daily experiences but also play a vital role in building a greener, more connected, and socially responsible workplace.


Embrace the Green Paths, and watch your company’s commitment to sustainability flourish.

Corporate sustainability ideas that improve your ESG reporting ‘score’

Corporate sustainability ideas to improve your ESG reporting ‘score’​

Sustainability has become a global imperative, with governments worldwide making significant strides towards creating more eco-conscious cities and societies. In the quest to combat climate change, over 90 countries have set ambitious net-zero emissions targets, demonstrating a shared commitment to mitigating the most devastating effects of this global change. This collective effort has inevitably spotlighted businesses, compelling them to embrace sustainability not merely as a choice but as a necessity. 

However, companies often grapple with uncertainty about what precisely they should do:

Understanding Sustainability Standards and Policies

The first step in unraveling the complexity of “becoming more sustainable” is comprehending the regulations behind sustainability expectations.

A promising starting point is the European Green Deal, a package of policy initiatives aiming to steer the EU towards a green transition, ultimately achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

As part of ESG reporting and in alignment with the European Green Deal, the EU mandates large and listed companies to regularly publish reports on how their activities impact people and the environment. To this end, The European Commission introduced the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) for use by all companies subject to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Companies required to report on sustainability under the CSRD include:

  1. 1.  All large companies, irrespective of capital market orientation, with more than 250 employees and more than 40 million EUR in net turnover or 20 million EUR in assets.
  2. 2.  All capital-market SMEs, except for micro-enterprises, which are not covered by the CSRD and, therefore, are not expected to report under ESRS

The Role of ESRS

The ESRS aims to enhance the scope and quality of corporate sustainability reporting, promoting sustainable development through transparency. As a result, stakeholders, particularly investors, other companies, and society, should gain deeper insights into companies’ business practices.

However, the impact of the ESRS goes beyond reporting requirements. Furthermore, companies are also mandated by ESRS to disclose whether they have improved their sustainability performance and further developed their sustainability management.

A table of ESRS standards for better understanding ESG practices and reporting accordingly

General Requirements and Disclosures for ESG Reporting

Under general requirements and disclosures, companies should provide a comprehensive overview of the organization and its operations:
  • Foundational ESG practices, including ESG policies, commitments, data collection and verification methods, reporting periods, data accessibility, future ESG goals, external assurance processes, etc.
  • The business overview – covers governance structure, ownership, market presence, operational locations, supply chain, products and services, customer base, employee profile, health and safety practices, ethical business practices, certifications and awards, etc.

Topical Requirements for ESG Reporting

Under topical requirements, organizations should offer an overview of their current environmental, social, and governance practices, future ESG goals, actions taken to improve their “sustainability score,” and more.

ESG Reporting as a Means to Corporate Sustainability

The journey towards successful reporting and enhanced sustainability starts with a robust understanding of your current practices:
  • Assess the impact of your operations on the environment, evaluating emissions, waste management practices, and natural resource usage (energy, water, etc.).
  • Examine your commitment to social responsibility, including labor practices, employee well-being, compensation practices, product safety and quality, and community engagement.
  • Evaluate your governance sustainability, encompassing board diversity and independence, stakeholder rights and responsibilities, data security, and cyber risks.
Reviewing your current practices through a sustainability lens should provide valuable insights into areas where you can enhance sustainability. To kickstart this process, we also provide an overview of simple changes you can make.

Reducing your Climate Change impact

Climate change is a primary driver behind the European Green Deal, making it a crucial starting point. This means continually seeking innovative ways to reduce carbon emissions.

For instance, consider the impact of daily commuting to your workplace on your carbon footprint.

—Did you know?: Passenger transportation contributes to the total carbon footprint (+34 Billion Tons per year) with 4,6 Tons of CO2 per car.—

Now envision the potential to reduce the number of cars on the road by 25%, 50%, or even a staggering 75%. You can achieve this by encouraging sustainable commuting practices like carpooling, cycling, and walking. To help you revolutionize employee commuting, we’ve created KINTO Join—a sustainable commuting platform that:

  1. 1. Connects employees with shared commuting routes, reducing the number of vehicles traveling to your workplace.
  2. 2. Validates eco-friendly journeys (carpooling, walking, and cycling), incentivizing environmentally conscious commuters.
  3. 3. Quantifies CO2 savings, enabling easy reporting of your contribution to zero emissions and eligibility for government subsidies.

Learn more about KINTO Join here.

An oxygen mask and a piece of plant in the jar serve as a symbol of climate change

Ideas to Improve Other ESG Practices


  • To address pollution, implement zero-waste practices in offices or manufacturing facilities by reducing, reusing, and recycling materials.
  • Enhance indoor air quality in office spaces by installing air quality monitoring systems.

Water and Marine Resources

  • Support marine conservation efforts by participating in beach cleanup events or partnering with organizations dedicated to ocean protection.

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

  • Conduct biodiversity assessments on company-owned lands to identify and protect endangered species and habitats.

Resource Use and Circular Economy

  • Implement take-back or recycling programs for products at the end of their lifecycle, encouraging customers to return items for recycling or refurbishing.
  • Additionally, start a carpooling program to motivate employees to travel to work together, thus reducing overall fuel consumption.

Own Workforce

  • Offer flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours, to improve work-life balance for employees.
  • Provide mental health resources and support, such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), to promote the well-being of your workforce.

Workers in the Value Chain

  • Provide training to suppliers on fair labor practices, worker safety, and human rights to ensure ethical treatment throughout the value chain.
  • Conduct regular audits of suppliers to assess compliance with labor standards and social responsibility requirements.

Affected Communities

  • Prioritize hiring from within the local communities where your company operates to create job opportunities and strengthen community ties.
  • Allocate a percentage of profits or resources to community development projects, such as building schools or supporting healthcare initiatives.

Consumers and End-Users

  • Add sustainability labels or certifications to products, providing consumers with information on the environmental and social impacts of their purchases.
  • Launch educational campaigns to inform consumers about sustainable product usage and responsible disposal methods.

Business Conduct

  • Establish a confidential whistleblower hotline for employees to report ethical concerns or misconduct within the company.

It's Action Time: Make Corporate Sustainability Ideas a Reality

Embracing sustainability isn’t just an option; it’s a responsibility we all share. To commence this journey start small but start now. Take actionable steps to reduce your carbon footprint, enhance workplace well-being, and contribute to your local community.

Begin with the ideas we’ve shared in this blog post, but do not stop there. Furthermore, make sure that you are continuously reviewing your current practices through a sustainability lens and thinking about small actions you can take today to make a big impact tomorrow. Additionally, share your ideas! Remember: the simple changes you make every day not only align with sustainability standards but also exemplify your dedication to a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.

Learn more about how your employees’ commuting habits can impact your ESG reporting score here

Revolutionising Fleet Management: Introducing KINTO Ride Sustainability Report

Revolutionising Fleet Management:

Introducing KINTO Ride
Sustainability Report


In the ever-evolving world of fleet management, staying ahead of the curve is essential. The quest for efficiency, in addition to cost reduction, and environmental responsibility has led us to introduce a groundbreaking feature for fleet operators like you. KINTO Ride designed to streamline your operations and optimize processes, has just taken a giant leap forward. Say hello to the future of fleet management with our new Sustainability Reporting feature.

Why Track and Report Emission Savings?

Emission tracking might not be the first thing that comes to mind when managing a fleet, but it’s a game-changer for several compelling reasons. Firstly let’s delve into why measuring emission savings is essential for fleet operators like you:

1. Compliance with ESG Standards:

For instance, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) standards have become an integral part of business practices worldwide. They evaluate your company’s impact on the environment, among other factors. By tracking and reporting your emission savings, you align with these standards, demonstrating your commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability.

2. Qualify for Government Incentives

Governments across the globe are increasingly incentivising businesses to adopt environmentally friendly practices. For example, many offer financial incentives and subsidies to those who can prove their commitment to reducing emissions. By providing tangible evidence of your emission savings, you can access these potential government incentives, saving you money and enhancing your bottom line.

3. Build Brand Reputation

In today’s eco-conscious world, your brand’s reputation is more valuable than ever. Specifically, customers favor businesses that prioritise environmental sustainability. Tracking and showcasing your emission savings helps build trust, attract environmentally conscious customers, and enhance your brand reputation.

4. Real Cost Reduction

Reducing emissions goes hand in hand with cost reduction. Not only is it about being environmentally responsible, but it’s also about saving on expenses. When you optimise routes, increase vehicle occupancy, and reduce unnecessary mileage, you’ll cut down on fuel consumption and maintenance costs. Consequently, the result is not only a greener fleet but also a more cost-effective one.

How Does KINTO Ride's Sustainability Report Feature Work?

Our Sustainability Report is built around an AI-based route planning algorithm. This algorithm works behind the scenes to help you choose the most optimal route for each trip, ensuring maximum vehicle usage and minimal emissions.

Sustainability report that qualifies fleets for government subsidies

Here’s a sneak peek into how it operates:

1. Efficient Route Planning

The AI-based algorithm analyzes your fleet’s data to calculate the most efficient routes for each trip. It considers factors like traffic conditions, passenger pickup points, and drop-off locations to determine the best route. This optimization reduces mileage and travel time, resulting in lower fuel consumption and fewer emissions.

2. Increased Vehicle Occupancy

  • A key part of reducing emissions is maximising vehicle occupancy. In the same way, the algorithm helps operators connect passengers who are travelling in the same direction, thus increasing the number of passengers per vehicle. Fewer vehicles on the road translate to fewer emissions, making your fleet more environmentally friendly.

3. Detailed Emission Tracking

  • The Sustainability Reporting feature provides detailed data on the kilometers traveled, CO2 emissions saved, and other emission-related metrics. You can choose your preferred calculation period to generate reports that demonstrate your positive impact on the environment.

Case Study: Realising the Benefits

  • To bring the concept of emission savings to life, let’s explore a real-life example of a client who harnessed the power of KINTO Ride’s Sustainability Report feature. The data tells a compelling story of tangible results achieved in just eight months.

Emission Savings Unveiled

Emission savings
  • This visual illustrates the emission savings accomplished by our client from October of the previous year to June of the current year. Using our Sustainability Report feature, as shown in the graphic, they achieved remarkable results:

•  71,874 kg of CO2 saved

•  23,755 g of NOX reduced

Now, to sum up, let’s put these numbers into perspective. The typical car releases approximately 4.6 metric tons of CO2 annually. Based on this data, the reduction in harmful emissions achieved by our client is quite substantial. It’s not just a statistical figure; it’s a testament to their commitment to a greener and more sustainable future.

This data-driven method not only underscores the real impact but also empowers our clients to make well-informed decisions. In conclusion, it’s about translating environmental responsibility into actionable insights that drive change and foster a more sustainable and efficient fleet management approach.

In Conclusion

Our new Sustainability Report feature isn’t just a tool; it’s a catalyst for transformation. It allows you to measure, report, and celebrate your contribution to a cleaner, more eco-conscious world. The real-life success of our client is just one example of the potential waiting for you.

Are you ready to take the next step in fleet management and environmental responsibility? Embrace the future with KINTO Ride’s Sustainability Report feature, and together, let’s pave the way for a sustainable and efficient tomorrow.

Better Parking Management – The Secret to a Happy Employee

Better Parking Management - The Secret to a Happy Employee

Crowded parking lot with barely any empty spots left

Did you know that on average, people waste 17 hours a year driving around looking for a parking spot

That is almost a whole day per year that you spend anxiously wandering around in search of an empty place to park. 

This data proves that cities, businesses, and organizations are in desperate need of smarter and more efficient mobility solutions to parking problems

But beyond the search for a parking spot lies a deeper issue—parking anxiety—and its considerable impact on employee productivity. When employees experience stress related to finding a parking spot at their workplace, it can lead to several negative outcomes that affect their overall performance and well-being. 

In the rest of the article, we will explore the symptoms of parking anxiety and the best way to tackle this issue.

What is parking anxiety and how it can influence employee productivity?

The ramp in front of the empty underground parking lot

Parking anxiety emerges as a result of the uncertainty associated with finding empty and suitable parking at the workplace. This phenomenon is more common than one might think. It impacts individuals who have come to accept traffic challenges as an unavoidable part of their daily routine. 

Symptoms of parking anxiety include physiological responses like:

Racing heartbeat,


Shortness of breath,

Sweaty palms,


Sense of disorientation, often escalating to the point of a panic attack.

These stress-inducing situations can disrupt even the most resilient and experienced drivers. Here’s how the before-mentioned responses influence employee productivity:

Stress and Mental Health: Searching for a parking spot can be frustrating and stressful, especially when running late for work. This stress can lead to decreased focus, irritability, and overall decreased mental well-being. When employees are preoccupied with finding parking, they may struggle to concentrate on their tasks, impacting their productivity.

Arrival Time: Employees might arrive at work earlier than necessary to secure a parking spot, unproductively spending time in their cars. If they arrive late due to parking difficulties, they may begin their workday feeling flustered. This can negatively impact their ability to focus and perform effectively.

Time Wasted: Time spent circling parking lots is time that employees could have spent on productive tasks. This can lead to wasted time at the beginning and end of each workday, reducing the overall amount of time available for actual work.

Physical Health: Walking longer distances from distant parking spots can add up over time, especially in inclement weather. This could impact employees’ physical well-being, and energy potentially affecting their ability to perform at their best.

Job Satisfaction: A constant struggle with parking can negatively influence job satisfaction. Employees who consistently experience stress related to parking may become increasingly dissatisfied with their work environment. This can lead to reduced motivation and engagement.

Burnout: Over time, the combination of stress, wasted time, and decreased job satisfaction can contribute to burnout. Burnout can lead to reduced creativity, enthusiasm, and overall job performance.

Team Dynamics: Parking-related stress can spill over into workplace relationships. Employees who arrive at work feeling frustrated or anxious due to parking issues might be more prone to conflicts with colleagues. This can impact teamwork and collaboration.

Absenteeism: Employees who constantly struggle with parking-related stress might be more likely to take unplanned absences or arrive late. This can disrupt team dynamics and create additional stress for coworkers who have to pick up the slack.

Mitigating this issue is essential for cultivating a safe and productive work environment. Preventing parking anxiety not only places employers ahead of potential issues but also enhances employee productivity, ultimately contributing to a higher rate of employee retention.

Now that you know all the repercussions parking anxiety can have on your employees and your business, learn how to prevent it.

Alternative transportation options as a remedy for your parking anxiety

Two women high-fiving each other while carpooling to work

Encouraging corporate carpooling, public transportation, biking, or remote work can all alleviate parking-related stress. Here’s how incorporating these sustainable transportation methods can serve as a resolution to your parking challenges:

Reduced Personal Vehicle Usage: Sustainable commuting options like public transportation, biking, walking, carpooling, and ridesharing can reduce the number of cars on the road. This means less competition for parking spots, reducing the stress of finding a parking space.

Less Need for Parking: When more people use sustainable commuting options, the overall demand for parking decreases. This can lead to less congestion in parking lots and on the streets, making it easier to find parking spaces.

Promotion of Alternative Options: Businesses provide incentives to encourage sustainable commuting among their employees, such as preferred parking for carpoolers or bike commuters. This can make it easier for sustainable commuters to find parking.

Reduced Environmental Impact: Sustainable commuting reduces air pollution, congestion, and overall environmental impact. Cities and businesses that promote these options may invest in more sustainable urban planning, including better parking management.

Healthier Commute: Walking or biking to work can be a healthier alternative, reducing stress and improving well-being. This positive experience can mitigate the anxiety associated with parking.

Community Benefits: A shift towards sustainable commuting can lead to stronger communities, reduced traffic, and improved quality of life. These factors can positively impact overall attitudes toward parking and commuting.

The effectiveness of these solutions depends on the availability and quality of sustainable commuting options in your area, as well as the policies and initiatives in place to support them. Encouraging sustainable commuting can lead to a more relaxed and efficient parking experience, benefiting both individuals and the community.

Taking parking management to the next level doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a long and complex process that starts with educating yourself on possible innovative solutions. 

One of the potential solutions that will shift your business into an anxiety-free zone when it comes to parking could be a sustainable commuting platform with built-in parking management. 

You might not know what the future holds, but you can rely on smart technology to clear your parking lot and your path to success.

Walking to work for a more sustainable tomorrow

Walking to work for a more sustainable tomorrow

If you’re one of many lost in a never-ending pursuit of a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle, we bring you a solution. Introducing – WALKING TO WORK.

Maybe a more correct term would be reintroducing since commercial cars have only been available to us since the beginning of the 20th century. Before that, we didn’t know any better and our energy was the only fuel we needed. So why did we become so lazy and abandon the idea of walking to work altogether? Time. We’ve made a conscious decision to choose practicality over sustainability.

But ask yourself this – what is the most valuable thing to you?

Your money, your health, or your time? Yes, we’re starting this article with an existential question, hope your day is going well.

When asked this question people unintentionally “forget” how important their health is and think of their time as the most precious thing there is. But focusing on saving your time might harm other areas of your life.

Why Driving a Car to Work and Working Remotely Do More Harm Than Good?

According to research from 2021, around 86% of Americans commute to work by car. 

This might cut the time you spend transporting from point A to point B, but staying in a seated position for that long can’t be good for your health. Now, add on that a 9 to 5 job and the amount of time you’ll be spending sitting at your desk. 

We, as humans, are not made to sit down and be still, at least not for that long. 

Sooner or later, back pain is spreading around the office like a virus and you realize you’ve been postponing self-care.

Don’t be a procrastinator, not when your health is at stake! 

Make some simple yet fruitful changes to your everyday life, starting with relying more on your feet rather than your vehicle.

As for the impact that working remotely has on your health, most of us can draw from our personal experience.

If you worked during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s a high chance you had to work remotely for a while. It was new, different, and fun in the beginning, but soon, we had to face the repercussions of not socializing and most importantly not practicing physical activity.

Human’s trait to get used to everything, can cost us our health. By working from home, we didn’t have a reason to leave our house and do a simple task such as walking to work.

Not practicing exercise is the disease of the modern man, walking to work is its remedy.

Seven Benefits of Walking to Work

What’s there not to like about walking?

Yeah, sometimes we’re too lazy to do it, but with all the benefits that come with it, we can overcome laziness. We should overcome laziness. And if you need more encouragement to do it, we’re here for you with the list of seven benefits.

1 Walking is a great cardio workout

If running or any other type of cardio exercise is not an option for you due to busy schedules, walking to work can be a great alternative. Speed up a bit and elevate your heartbeat, respiration, and temperature. Walking to work can burn calories like nobody’s business. It can contribute to the prevention of obesity-related diseases, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and coronary heart disease.

Walking to work will keep you fit and lower your risk of getting health issues caused by a lack of physical activity. Besides that, endorphins produced by walking improve your mood and boost your self-esteem.

Try it out and your body fitness will be forever grateful!

2 Daily walks reduce your stress

Driving to work is always followed by side problems, like getting stuck in a traffic jam or interacting with angry drivers, or arriving at work late for one of the previously mentioned reasons. The list of problems goes on. And where there are problems there is stress.

Lucky for you, by practicing walking to work those problems and increased stress levels disappear.

3 Physical activity helps you clear your mind

Life is moving at a fast pace. As such, it is not surprising that in a long day you don’t have even a second to think about what happened or what is happening, let alone what will happen. One thing that can help you overcome chaotic life moments is having time to think.

Walking to and from work forces you to look around, pay attention to what’s happening outside of the four walls, and engage your mind. You might solve some long-running problems when looking at them with a clear mind.

4 Walking boosts your work performance

All healthy habits, including walking, positively affect your mood, energy, and daily productivity. If you’re feeling energized and motivated, ready to conquer any obstacle that comes your way, you’ll be more prepared to confront your tasks at work.

Walking nurtures your well-being which directly reflects on your work performance.

5 Walking to work will save you money

Let’s be honest, the economic situation globally isn’t great, to put it lightly. If there’s a chance for you to save some money, why not use it? Avoid spending a fortune on gas or public transportation.

Walk to work and save money for something you’ll be needing – better walking shoes.

6 Sustainable habits are good for the environment

Be a part of a community and gravitate towards the same greater goal – the well-being of our planet. Arguably, there’s no better feeling than doing something good for others. By walking you’ll be doing something good not only for others but also yourself. Lower your carbon footprint by making walking your new daily habit.

With the innovative technology of our KINTO Join sustainability app, you can calculate the amount of CO2 you save by walking in real-time. How is that possible? Our team can help you understand.

7 A way to connect with your colleagues: KINTO Join and a walking journey

Building a bond with your colleagues takes time and is more likely to happen outside of the office.

The KINTO Join app can help you even with that. If colleagues are going in the same direction as you, use walking back home as an opportunity to verify your journey together and connect with them on a deeper level. There are no cons there. You get a verification that your commute was sustainable and a friend all at the same time.

Adopting sustainable habits is anything but a linear process. It comes with ups and downs, the urge to quit as soon as things don’t go your way, and constant reevaluation if you made the right choice. Walking to work is a decision you’ll be glad you took, both tomorrow and years from now.

Sustainability is a choice worth making.

Why implement a car share scheme?

Benefits for your business.

  • Reduce parking demand by up to 22%
  • Reliable transportation for your employees
  • Help relieve local traffic congestion
  • Achieve your sustainability targets

Benefits for your employees.

  • Reduced travel costs
  • Reliable and comfortable transportation to work
  • A stronger internal social network
  • Rewards & Incentives you offer (e.g. priority parking, meal coupons, etc.)

Did you know?

  • The first car sharing program, “Sefage”,  was launched in Zurich, in 1948
  • Transport accounts for a quarter of the EU greenhouse gas emissions 
  • In large organisations, up to 96% of co-workers could car share to work
  • Adding incentives for carpoolers will increase your car scheme success by around 18% in just six months

Europe commuting facts.

  • Around 200 million people commute to work every day
  • Up to 70% of Europeans commute to work by car
  • The average commuting time is 25min
  • The EU launched MOMO CAR-SHARING, a campaign to promote car-sharing back in 2008, as part of its effort to promote sustainable mobility options

With KINTO Join as a partner you can:

  • Get a report on your CO2 and NOx emissions savings
  • Get a report on the usage of your parking facilities
  • Get verification of all shared car journeys, to reward proven carpoolers
  • Get support in crafting and promoting your own car, or active travel, scheme

Active Travel Modes: KINTO Join’s Travel Revolution

Imagine a world without a carbon footprint.

Though the idea of no pollution still may be just an abstract concept — we believe that striving for it is not in vain!

With KINTO Join’s unique carpooling technology we have enabled the reduction of the total number of cars on the streets thus lowering the global environmental footprint. 

However, we didn’t stop there — we have gone a step further and created two additional features to help further the cause —  Walking and Cycling. With these additions, our dream of a pollution-free world draws closer!


What are the Walking and Cycling features?

Walking and Cycling are brand new functionalities of the KINTO Join app intended to enable employees to choose active travel. This allows employees to walk or cycle to work.

It’s extremely easy to set up: simply tap on start journey and select Walking/Cycling as your mode of transport.

What is more — you don’t even need to connect with colleagues to get potential incentives and rewards — the simple act of choosing active travel is enough! But, you’re free to do so if you wish!

Who are these features for?

The simple answer — anyone!

The more realistic one — this is an option for people who live close to their place of work, making walking or cycling to work a feasible feat.   

As an extra idea — choose to walk/cycle to work with colleagues to strengthen your professional relationship and friendship, while saving the planet! 

How can you benefit from active travel modes?

The Walking and Cycling features give amazing opportunities to organisations to reward employees who are making a choice to save the planet! 

We have a few ideas of how you can start — organise challenges and:

  • reward users according to km they walked/cycled, 
  • reward users for their CO2 savings, 
  • organise a leaderboard and reward the most active users.
track your impact

What could the rewards be? Really anything you can think of that can benefit your employees —  coupons, vouchers, free courses and training, etc. 

Just remember — it’s not about the competition, we are all contributing to the same cause! It’s about rewarding the effort to fight for our well-being!